Insights from our latest Learning Brief: Voice of the REH CEO
The REH model represents a significant shift in rural healthcare delivery. Our latest Learning Brief offers valuable insights on the challenges and successes of REH conversion from rural CEOs who have navigated the transition. By sharing these real-world experiences, we aim to help rural hospital leaders make decisions that best serve their communities’ needs. Here […]
Our White Paper At a Glance. A Summary of Our Early Learnings.
The Rural Emergency Hospital (REH) designation has emerged as a potential solution to the escalating crisis of rural hospital closures across America. Our white paper includes pivotal early learnings and serves as a useful resource for medical professionals navigating this new hospital designation. Background and Rationale for Rural Emergency Hospital Designation The REH designation was […]
Navigating the REH Pathway: A Step-by-Step Guide for Rural Hospitals
An overview of the pathway to REH designation, where the Rural Health Redesign Center (RHRC) provides essential support through the Rural Emergency Hospital Technical Assistance Center (REH-TAC). Introduction The Rural Emergency Hospital (REH) designation is a significant development in healthcare designed to help rural communities sustain their access to emergency medical services and outpatient care. […]
Join the REH Peer Network: Protect & Promote Rural Healthcare Together
The healthcare landscape is constantly evolving, particularly in rural areas where the transition to the REH designation preserves access to emergency services and outpatient care. The Rural Health Redesign Center (RHRC) invites hospital executives and administrators of REH-designated facilities to join our collaborative forum: The REH Peer Network. Why Participate in the REH Peer Network? […]